Herald-Zeitung article features Legacy of Our Journey mural

The New Braunfels Herald featured the Legacy of Our Journey mural in a recent article about Hispanic heritage.

From the article:

“We have the perfect reminder of Hispanic Heritage through a mural provided by the Historic Outdoor Art Museum from which to learn, enjoy, and appreciate. The mural “El Legado de Nuestra Jornada” (The Legacy of Our Journey) is painted on the outside side wall of Comal Flower Shop that faces the Main Plaza. The accompanying plaque written by Barron Schlameus assisted by Robert Camareno reveals the mural is a timeline theme of Hispanic Heritage dating from the 1680’s to 1845.

Among the many historic points of interest noted: The legacy began with Spanish expeditions along “El Camino Real” (The Royal Highway) that served as a main artery for trade, commerce, and settlement.”

Read the full article – Hispanic Heritage Seen Through Murals in New Braunfels – Herald Zeitung